
For each event we can suggest an original, engaging scenario. We also recommend some tried and tested ideas on how to achieve the intended goal of the event.

Creative game

It is an original way to educate, integrate or motivate employees and an alternative form of conducting a conference or training. The idea is based on the effective gamification methodology, ensuring increased involvement in the event.

The creative game is always tailored to individual needs and goals. It allows to transfer knowledge and new skills in an interesting way, increasing participants’ involvement, strengthening relations and improving the memorability of the event!


Creative game


Concordia Design

How many people?


For whom?

Sales departmets, HR departments, Franchisees, Brand ambassadors.


To share knowledge in an effective and engaging manner. To integrate and motivate employees.


In most cases, the game is a day-long event. Minimum duration: 3 hours.

Dark experience/ Dinner in complete darkness

If you really want to make a lasting impression on your guests, the dark experience is a great choice. It is an experience that will be long remembered – in complete darkness, participants are guided to their tables by waiters equipped with night vision goggles and they try meals they cannot see, which sharpens their other senses.

Such dinners are held on the Aula Artis stage, which additionally enhances the effect of uniqueness and prestige


Dark experience


Aula Artis

How many people?

Up to 160

For whom?

For whom? Companies from different sectors. Open, inquisitive, innovative.


To surprise your guests and emphasise corporate values


Any date, any time

Theatrical dinner

Theatrical dinner is an original way to demonstrate different types of customer service or different ways of communication within a team. Guests come to the restaurant convinced they are taking part in a typical dinner.

However, they are served by waiters who play specific roles, in an exaggerated manner representing various types of customer service or communication.
The dinner ends with an analysis of the waiters’ behaviour, with reference to the organiser’s area of activity.


Creative dinner


Concordia Design / Aula Artis

How many people?

10 - 100

For whom?

Sales departments. All stakeholders who are in direct touch with customers.


To experience various types of sales or communication strategies, to highlight mistakes and draw conclusions.


The "Dinner" can also be lunch or breakfast

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+48 605 830 448


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